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Doing Business in West Africa: Understanding the Markets in Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire

October 12, 2023

In this webinar, you will hear from representatives from the U.S. Embassies in Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire to provide an overview of the economic conditions in each country, industries that are promising for Virginia exporters, where other U.S. companies have found success, and answer market-specific questions your company might have. Representatives from the Prosper Africa initiative will also provide an overview of their services and support for U.S. companies interested in doing business in markets in Africa.

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Policy Updates

U.S. and Virginia Trade Policy Updates

September 28, 2023

The U.S. government has been actively negotiating a number of agreements over the past three months, including an agreement that would address export controls and critical minerals with the United Kingdom and another agreement that aims to streamline the supply chain with Japan and South Korea. The U.S. also continued its longstanding discussions around an Indo-Pacific Trade deal, and continued its use of dispute settlement provisions found in the US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement.

Taking Your Business Global with Influencer Marketing

September 19, 2023

Discover the power of influencer marketing and how it can propel your brand on an international scale. Join us to learn from Damani Harrison, Head of Branding and Chief Style Officer at Diamondback Toolbelts, who has successfully expanded their business globally using influencer partnerships. During this event, you'll gain valuable insights into the strategies and tactics employed to reach an international audience. Explore the dos and don'ts of influencer collaborations, discover the best platforms for finding the right influencers, and unlock the secrets to creating authentic and impactful campaigns.

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Accessing International Markets - Mexico

August 30, 2023

Join VEDP's International Trade team to learn about accessing Mexico! Mexico is third among Virginia export destinations with exports in 2021 equal to USD 913 million. Mexican companies, government agencies, and entire industries are deeply familiar with and receptive to U.S. products and services.

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Are You Export Ready?

July 27, 2023

Are you looking at going global? Do you wonder how to get your business ready for international markets? Small and medium sized businesses realize that launching their product or solution overseas is a great way to increase their sales and raise the profile of their brand. Being a global company is a great way to bulletproof a business, but how do you make it happen and where to start? Join VEDP - International Trade to learn about the key success factors in export readiness and prepare for entry into global markets.

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Policy Updates

U.S. and Virginia Trade Policy Updates

July 25, 2023

The U.S. continues negotiating trade agreements with a number of countries, including many that are major trading partners for Virginia companies. On May 24, the three parties to USMCA launched a cabinet-level committee aimed at strengthening regional competitiveness, but a lot of trade developments centered on Asia. The U.S. finished another negotiating round with the IPEF countries, which include important trading partners for Virginia companies, including Japan, Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. The U.S. also pledged to streamline supply chains with South Korea, negotiated a critical minerals trade deal with Japan, and finalized an agreement with Taiwan that would streamline customs procedures.