Industry Reports
Latin and South America

Brazil – Market Overview

July 31, 2024

The Brazilian economy is the second largest in the Western Hemisphere, accounting for more than half of Latin America's GDP; the IMF projects that by the end of 2024, Brazil will boast the world’s 8th largest economy. Geographically, the country is larger than the contiguous U.S., and business environments differ regionally. There is a large concentration of population and economic activity in Southeastern Brazil, including the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Minas Gerais. Brazil's financial capital and prime international business hub is São Paulo. Brazil may be a challenging market for many U.S. exporters at first, but those willing to invest time and resources in understanding and overcoming the challenges of doing business within this geographically diverse, resource-rich, and economically dynamic country will have a great opportunity to succeed.