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Industry Reports

Cybersecurity Market Overview in Spain

July 12, 2024

VEDP’s Global Network Consultant in Spain has prepared a report on the cybersecurity market in Spain including market statistics, key markets for services, regulations, and other useful information. The cybersecurity market in Spain has an annual revenue of approximately two billion euros and is predicted to grow almost 15% annually in future years. Initiatives in the European Union, advancing technology, geopolitical events, and the rising number of cybersecurity incidents in Spain have all increased the demand for cybersecurity services in the country.
Industry Reports
Middle East

Saudi Arabia – Market Overview

July 12, 2024

VEDP’s Global Network consultant in Saudia Arabia has prepared a report on the country's economic outlook and sector opportunities. Virginia businesses across various industries can expect demand in Saudi Arabia for their products and services as Saudi Arabia looks to diversify its economy. The report identifies industries expected to grow in the country as well as the considerations Virginia businesses should take when entering the market. Key sectors include construction and infrastructure, hospitality and tourism, healthcare, education, defense, manufacturing, ICT, renewable energy, and gaming.
Industry Reports

Czech Republic – Market Overview

July 12, 2024

VEDPs Global Network consultant in the Czech Republic has prepared a report on the market opportunities in the country. The Czech Republic is a leader in central and eastern Europe due to its economic performance, buying power, population, infrastructure, stability, and openness to trade. This report highlights five key sectors of opportunity in the Czech Republic’s economy: defense, medical devices, cybersecurity, robotics and automation, and energy. Virginia businesses can expect future demand for their products and services in these sectors.
Industry Reports

Bulgaria – Market Overview

July 12, 2024

VEDP’s Global Network consultant in Bulgaria has prepared a report on market opportunities in the country. This report focuses on key industries for Virginia businesses including defense, automation, medical, construction, agriculture, and energy. The report also includes general information about Bulgaria's business environment and recommendations for entering the market.
Industry Reports
Asia Pacific

Taiwan Agricultural Report

April 11, 2024

Taiwan is heavily dependent on imported food and agricultural products due to limited arable land and a small agricultural sector. It is the United States’ sixth-largest export market for U.S. food and agricultural products. This report addresses opportunities in Taiwan for distilled spirits, craft beer, snack/convenience foods, poultry, beef, and wood pellets.
Industry Reports
Asia Pacific

Taiwan Top Industries Report

February 22, 2024

The United States is Taiwan’s second-largest trade partner with a long-standing, strong relationship. Taiwan has a population of 23.4 million and a strong economy. This report addresses opportunities for Virginia businesses in the following sectors: cybersecurity, medical devices and pharmaceuticals, automation and robotics, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for civilian applications.