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Accessing International Markets - South Korea

July 18, 2023

VEDP International Trade and our South Korean in-country consultant will be hosting a webinar designed to help you learn about accessing South Korea. We hope you will join us for this free webinar.

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Industry Reports
Asia Pacific

India Defense Report

July 1, 2023

India is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia, and this economic growth has translated to increased defense spending. The Indian government has embarked on a military modernization program and is expected to maintain an average defense expenditure of 2.22% of GDP.

Global Trade Insights: Interpreting the Biden Administration’s and Congress’ Trade Initiatives

June 27, 2023

Join VEDP - International Trade for this webinar that breaks down the Washington D.C. alphabet soup of acronyms that impact imports and exports. Our speaker, Nicole Bivens Collinson with Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A., will discuss the initiatives being undertaken by the Biden Administration as well as those pending in Congress and help you have a better understanding of how you might be impacted.

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Is Forced Labor Part of Your Supply Chain?

June 13, 2023

VEDP’s Supply Chain Optimization Program is pleased to host this important webinar on the risks of forced labor in supply chains, presented by legal expert Francesca Guerrero with Thompson Hine, LLC.

This webinar will assist your company’s ability to recognize, mitigate, and eliminate forced labor from your supply chain. United States law prohibits the importation of goods mined, produced, or manufactured wholly or in part with forced labor. Companies who are not compliant can face seizure of goods, financial and reputational harm, and potentially face criminal and/or civil consequences.

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Export Guide

Supply Opportunities in Southeast Asia

June 1, 2023

Southeast Asia is a leading center of growth for the global economy. The region has a large, diverse talent pool, and rapid economic expansion indicates the market’s significant long-term growth potential. Southeast Asian countries have invested in upgrading their manufacturing production processes with modern technologies, signifying a capacity that can support a wide range of goods and an increasing number of sectors. With access to some of the world’s largest shipping lanes, the region is also strategically located to combat China’s rising economic power.
Export Guide

Supply Opportunities in Mexico

June 1, 2023

Mexico has emerged as one of the foremost exporting markets in the world. The country has a large and diversified labor pool that continues to grow and become more highly skilled, while labor costs simultaneously remain low. Mexico’s proximity to the U.S. can significantly shorten supply chains; combined with the robust infrastructure found in North America, it is a competitive alternative to China. Its horizontal capabilities support a wide variety of sectors, and the country specializes in manufacturing for several industries.