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Industry Reports
Asia Pacific

Supply Opportunities in India

April 14, 2023

India has one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, simultaneously experiencing rapid expansion in recent decades and significantly dropping poverty rates. India’s population recently exceeded that of China to become the largest in the world and the working-age population is projected to expand by almost 100 million in the period to 2030. India is often viewed as a top contender in the region, due primarily to its large population and low labor costs. The Indian Ocean region is primed to become a major manufacturing hub as costs in China and other manufacturing centers are rising. Major investments in infrastructure have been made in the area to support this goal.  Due to these factors, India could soon become the next low-cost manufacturing hub, replacing China.
Industry Reports

Supply Opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe

April 14, 2023

This report maps the supply chain capabilities and sourcing strengths of three CEE countries – the Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania – and delivers detailed information on key sectors.
Industry Reports

Defense and Security in Poland

April 1, 2023

Poland has quickly become a key partner for NATO on the Eastern flank and in Europe as a whole due to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Poland is one of seven NATO members to spend more than 2% of GDP on defense and has announced a plan to nearly double defense spending to 4% of GDP this year.

International Sales Training: Value – Price – Profit: How Businesses Create Successful Growth

March 14, 2023

This session will show companies how they can demonstrate a tangible difference in a characteristic of a product, service or the company itself. Each proposition has a clear focus on the market it is being received by and in this session, examples will be given of “good cases” and “not so good cases”. In essence, it is about simple messaging to convey the excellence of your company.

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International Sales Training: How to Effectively Present Yourself In-Person & Virtually

February 28, 2023

Virtual, hybrid, face-to-face. Never before have there been so many different channels to connect with potential buyers. It’s vital that you can adapt to each environment so that you can present yourself and your product well and engage in conversations that lead to successful business relationships.

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Exporting During an Economic Downturn

January 26, 2023

This webinar will discuss how trade was slowing even before the pandemic. However, with the addition of BREXIT, both have conspired to create the current situation. Declan Barry from ExportExplore will examine the opportunities that the new horizon has created for U.S. companies in the United Kingdom as they remap their global supply chain and trade opportunities. Looking towards Europe, he will also spotlight new opportunities blossoming in Ireland as they cement themselves as the only English-speaking marketplace with direct open access to the European Union.

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