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Industry Reports
Asia Pacific

Australia Defense and Security Industry Report

October 28, 2022

The Defense and Security in Australia report outlines market entry strategy for Virginia businesses looking to sell into the Australian defense market. It also provides an overview of current trends in the market, key government and industry players, and details government and defense sector procurement.

Lifecycle of an Export Webinar Series | An Introduction to Export Success

October 12, 2022

Companies often become accidental exporters. They receive an inquiry from overseas, which leads to a potential partnership and perhaps some success. However, such a reactive export strategy is not effective.  Rather than letting markets and partners choose you, your company needs to take control of your export strategy. This introductory session addressed those initial key decisions companies must make to really build a successful export business.

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Export Guide

UKCA Marking Report

June 29, 2022

This brief explains what the UKCA marking is, what it covers, what happens to pre-existing products, and what manufacturers need to do to register for a UKCA marking.
Industry Reports
Latin and South America

ICT Industry - Brazil

May 18, 2022

There are many opportunities for Virginia companies to provide ICT goods and services into Brazil. Many of those opportunities will be created by the deployment of 5G in Brazil in the coming years.
Industry Reports
Middle East

Defense Industry - Saudi Arabia

April 26, 2022

The Defense Industry in Saudi Arabia report outlines general market entry strategy for Virginia businesses looking to sell into the Saudi defense market.