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Export Guide

Supply Opportunities in India

June 1, 2023

India has one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, simultaneously experiencing rapid expansion in recent decades and significantly dropping poverty rates. India’s population recently exceeded that of China to become the largest in the world and the working-age population is projected to expand by almost 100 million in the period to 2030.
Export Guide

Supply Opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe

June 1, 2023

Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is home to some of the most competitive economies in Europe. The markets are well integrated in European supply chains and many local companies boast significant experience in producing goods for worldwide export markets.
Export Guide

Supply Chain Management and Importing: Guidance for Virginia Companies

May 1, 2023

This Guide to Supply Chain Management and Importing aims to curate directories of professional service providers, education opportunities, networking events, and online resources to assist Virginia businesses in optimizing their supply chains and importing.
Industry Reports

Defense and Security – Romania

May 1, 2023

As the first post-communist country to join NATO and the guardian of one of the EU’s main external borders, Romania plays an important role in regional defense and security. Romania recently increased its defense budget from 2% to 2.5% of GDP and is committed to maintaining that expenditure level for the next decade.
Industry Reports
Asia Pacific

Supply Opportunities in Southeast Asia

April 14, 2023

This report addresses opportunities in Southeast Asia for Virginia companies seeking to optimize their international supply chains for five select countries: the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Each country offers unique supply chain opportunities.
Industry Reports
North America

Supply Opportunities in Mexico

April 14, 2023

This report addresses opportunities in Mexico for Virginia companies seeking to optimize their international supply chains. It lays the foundations for why an importer may consider supply in Mexico. The report then provides concrete information about several strong supply options in Mexico as examples, although there are many others. It closes with a review of expectations Virginia companies should keep in mind for how to effectively develop relationships with suppliers and some tips and resources for successfully managing collaboration with suppliers in Mexico.