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Industry Reports
Asia Pacific

Taiwan Defense Industry Report

November 29, 2023

There is steady growth in Taiwan’s defense industry as it works to expand its ability to respond to threats. Military equipment sales from U.S. businesses to Taiwanese entities can fall under either Foreign Military Sales or Direct Commercial Sales. This report addresses opportunities for Virginia defense companies in Taiwan and the challenges they may face when entering the market.

Global Defense Opportunities in Taiwan

November 29, 2023

Join VEDP - International Trade and their consultant, Tractus Asia, for this one-hour webinar to learn more about the defense industry, emerging opportunities, key challenges, and market entry strategies for Taiwan.

The defense industry is one of the most heavily invested industries in Taiwan and the U.S is the primary arms exporter. Strengthening fundamental and asymmetric capabilities is the focus of Taiwan’s recent armed forces buildup and they continue to upgrade tanks, fighter jets, vessels, and unmanned aerial vehicles.

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Accessing International Markets - Costa Rica & Panama

November 8, 2023

Within Central America, Costa Rica is a strong opportunity for U.S. companies. Costa Rican citizens are very accustomed to doing business with the United States and many U.S. products command strong brand recognition. With ports on both oceans and known as the “Hub of the Americas,” Panama is one of the world’s most connected countries. Panama was the third-largest destination in Central America for US exports in 2021 and the fifth-largest destination for Virginia exports.

In this free webinar, learn more about these markets and VEDP's upcoming Trade Mission to Costa Rica and Panama.

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Doing Business in West Africa: Leveraging U.S. Government Stakeholders and Investments in West Africa

November 2, 2023

This webinar will focus on understanding the landscape of U.S. Government and key multi-lateral partners in the region - what services they offer, roles they play, current projects and procurement processes, whether they might be a buyer of a Virginia company’s product or service, and how small-and-medium sized companies in particular can engage with them.

Speakers will include representatives from Prosper Africa, the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), the Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the African Development Bank, and the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC).

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Leveraging Emerging Technologies in Supply Chains

November 2, 2023

When you hear words like cyberattack, AI, and digital transformation, you probably think of a new sci-fi movie. However, these terms represent new, emerging technologies that are addressing today’s supply chain digital and security challenges.

VEDP’s Supply Chain Optimization Program is pleased to host this valuable online presentation on “Leveraging Emerging Technologies in Supply Chains.” The live webinar will highlight supply chain technology advancements in Industrial Cyber Security, Industrial Automation, Workforce Optimization, and Artificial Intelligence. VEDP is honored to be joined by industry experts from Fend Incorporated and InSource Solutions (in partnership with AVEVA), who will be sharing their expertise and insight into these emerging technologies.

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Multinational Protocols and Routes to Procurement

October 24, 2023

Whether in public or business settings, protocol plays a crucial role on the world stage. The ability to adapt to cultural differences and changing circumstances is key to creating the foundations for success. Join VEDP – International Trade for this course designed specifically for companies who often find themselves dealing in the highly structured “diplomatic-speak” environment found among multinational government/military organizations. Attendees should come away with a more comprehensive understanding of International/Institutional Protocol as it applies to business development, intercultural sensitivities, and guidance in the field of international relations. You will be given the tools to excel, develop and maintain business, project a positive image with confidence and authority while building teamwork across borders, institutions, and departments. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn about international procurement as conducted by organizations such as NATO and the United Nations.

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