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Industry Reports

Wood Industry in South Africa

November 5, 2020

There was a dramatic increase in the wood and wood products imported by South Africa from the U.S. and, if the status quo of the forestry industry in South Africa remains, demand for imported wood and its products will continue to grow over the next 5-10 years.
Latin and South America

Accessing International Markets Virtually – Colombia

October 30, 2020

Due to Colombia’s close political ties, geographic proximity to the United States, and Colombians’ appreciation for the quality and reliability of U.S products, consumers in Colombia generally have a preference for U.S. products and services. 
Asia Pacific

Accessing International Markets Virtually – Australia/New Zealand

October 23, 2020

Australia’s resilient economy is built on stable institutions and sound regulatory policies, and provides a safe, low-risk environment in which to do business. Australia is among Virginia’s top 20 export destinations globally.

New Zealand offers U.S. companies a relatively wealthy, sophisticated market with a very transparent and open business environment, and a stable democratic system.

View the webinar to learn about accessing Australia and New Zealand virtually.
Latin and South America
North America

Accessing International Markets Virtually – Mexico

October 16, 2020

Mexico is the 15th largest economy in the world, and recent economic reforms have liberalized key sectors such as energy and telecommunications, creating market opportunities for U.S. companies. View the webinar to learn about accessing Mexico virtually.

Accessing International Markets Virtually – Western Europe

October 9, 2020

Europe is a huge trading partner for the US in many different sectors, this can be evidenced by the fact that if the EU countries together were a single market, it would rank as the number one export market for the US (2018).