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Export Guide
Protecting Intellectual Property
January 15, 2025
Some U.S. companies have found that foreign manufacturers have copied their products, packaging, and business plans, even though they had never done business abroad. Any business that exports its IP-protected products abroad or sources its products overseas must take into account the potential for IP theft. For this reason, it is a good idea to get the appropriate forms of IP protection before doing business in another country.
Export Guide
Exporting 101
January 15, 2025
It is now easier than ever for businesses, no matter how small, to sell goods and services around the world. Exporting is one of the best ways to help a business increase sales and profits, sell excess production capacity, and reduce dependence on existing markets. Exporting is a big step for many businesses, and there are six topics that must be understood before pursuing international sales.
Export Guide
Responding to Inquiries
January 15, 2025
Sales inquiries from potential customers in foreign countries can be quite different from what companies are accustomed to receiving from domestic sources. Responding to a reputable sales inquiry requires careful consideration of many elements, including pricing, export regulations, and payment terms.
Export Guide
Selecting an International Market
January 15, 2025
With approximately 200 countries in the world, how can your company decide where to export? This simple guide can help your company determine which international market is best for your products and services.
Export Guide
Financing and Payments
January 15, 2025
Understanding trade finance and payments helps exporters turn opportunities into sales and get paid for those sales in full and on time. An appropriate payment method must be chosen carefully to minimize the exporter's payment risk while accommodating the importer's needs.
Export Guide
Supply Chain Management and Importing: Guidance for Virginia Companies
May 1, 2023
This Guide to Supply Chain Management and Importing aims to curate directories of professional service providers, education opportunities, networking events, and online resources to assist Virginia businesses in optimizing their supply chains and importing.