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Industry Reports
Latin and South America
North America

Defense & Public Security in Mexico

September 11, 2020

This report includes information on important players, military priorities through 2024, opportunities for Virginia companies, as well as market entry considerations for Mexico’s defense and security sector.
Industry Reports
Asia Pacific

Information Technology in SE Asia

August 28, 2020

While nearly every sector in the six major South East Asian countries have been adversely affected by the outbreak, the virus is also creating opportunities by realigning supply chains, accelerating digitalization and automation, and driving medical sector innovation. This report provides an overview of the economic impact and key business trends in Information Technology.
Industry Reports
Asia Pacific

Manufacturing in SE Asia

August 28, 2020

While nearly every sector in the six major South East Asian countries have been adversely affected by the outbreak, the virus is also creating opportunities by realigning supply chains, accelerating digitalization and automation, and driving medical sector innovation. This report provides an overview of the economic impact and key business trends in the Manufacturing sector.
Industry Reports
Asia Pacific

Life Sciences in SE Asia

August 28, 2020

While nearly every sector in the six major South East Asian countries have been adversely affected by the outbreak, the virus is also creating opportunities by realigning supply chains, accelerating digitalization and automation, and driving medical sector innovation. This report provides an overview of the economic impact and key business trends in the Life Sciences sector.
Industry Reports
Latin and South America

Security Industry in Peru

August 11, 2020

Over the past two decades, Peru has become one of Latin America’s fastest growing and most macro-economically stable nations. Solid economic management, prudent fiscal policies and openness to trade have enabled Peru to not only reduce poverty from over 50% to less than 23% in less than 10 years but also to become one of the region´s most dynamic business environments.
Industry Reports
Latin and South America
North America

Manufacturing Market Demand – Mexico

August 11, 2020