Industry Reports

ICT in Ireland

January 24, 2020

With Brexit taking effect, Ireland is well-positioned to be the primary entrance for English-speaking business into the EU.

Ireland has solidified its status as a global technology hub by attracting and retaining a range of multinational companies, including 9 of the top 10 US ICT companies, mainly due to its high quality labor market. Ireland exports 97% of its domestic ICT production globally, which contributes to over €50 billion to the economy, making it the second largest exporter of ICT related goods and services in the world.

The ICT industry in Ireland is forecasted to grow at a rate of over 5% per annum over the next several years. The leading sub-sectors within the Irish ICT market include IT infrastructure, software and computer services, and cloud related computing services.

End-user demand is resulting in an increase in the development and offering of SaaS and PaaS packages. Consumers are beginning to demand more bespoke, tailored versions of such packages that meet their specific requirements.

This report examines the ICT market in Ireland, as well as market entry approaches and key players.